Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Understanding Praise & Worship -- Part 2

Hello friends!  Today's post is a little less structured and is mostly me thinking out loud.

Music is such a vital part of our everyday life.  Unless you live in a cabin away in the mountains, you can't get away from it (even you, Sister Bates).  :0)    Just turn on the radio or watch television for a few moments -- for every news broadcast and ever commercial, there is a catchy tune playing.  The past five years have been the 'reality television' age, which I am fairly sick of now.....  But now music is even playing during actual programs!  We are inundated with all kinds of background tracks and songs at all times.  I saw this trend coming in when I saw an episode of Alias (starring Jennifer Garner) back in the mid 2000's.  Now you can't imagine a television show or commercial without music.

Why do Hollywood and commercial advertisers spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually on music soundtracks, jingles, etc.?  The simple answer is because through music we receive subtle messages.  You have probably found yourself humming or singing a tune out of the blue and you aren't sure what made you think of that melody.  Where did it come from?  When did I hear it?  How did it get so dominate in my mind?  Music is a tool that can excite, calm, comfort and cheer.

Church music is so extremely important that the word of God devotes much time and space to instruction.  David talks of singing a new song unto the Lord.  It was David that played music to comfort King Saul.  It was music that sounded an alarm or the charge for battle.  It was music that the angels played announcing the grand entrance of our Lord and Saviour into this world.  One day it will be music that God will use to sound his return to this world.  Be appreciative that God has chosen you to be a conduit through which music flows to his people!  It is truly a sacred calling indeed.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Understanding Praise & Worship - Part 1

Good morning.  This is part one of a discussion about praise and worship.  What is it?  Why do we do it?  What extra responsibilities do we have as worship leaders?  What does the Bible say about what I am involved with at my church?  Lots of questions, all legitimate, so let's talk through some of them.

First, some important points:

1.  Singing or playing an instrument in church is presenting the gospel or the good news.  Every time we present the gospel is should be special, not something we allow to become routine or predictable.

2.  Our preparation time is vitally important.  My prayer and devotions help to focus in on the message I give.  How many times have you seen a church singer or musician show up for a service just to 'do their thing'?

3.  Anointed singing / playing is more than entertainment: it's a ministry.  The sooner you recognize this the better!

4.  When singing / playing is void of the anointing, it is ineffective!  A cold branding iron has never left its mark anywhere.

5.  When you are singing or playing to your local congregation, you are already acquainted with most of the audience.  You must be prepared to minister with a clear concious.  Your friends know you, they see you at your best and at your worst.  Live what you profess and sing.

6.  Perception is everything.  Sometimes the first impression is the lasting one.  When you have prepared your mind, spirit, and soul, the audience will feel the sincerity in what you are doing.

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we will delve into these concepts further and begin validating the ideas with scriptures, personal experiences, and (true) funny church stories!     :0)

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